Do you Think you know more than Brother Quique de GH16?
Do you think you know more than Quique de GH 16?
Show it and test your knowledge about Big Brother with this question of questions.
There are more than 370 different questions !!
(New questions every week)
CHALLENGE MODE: You will have to repower as many answers as possible, you have 20 seconds to answer each question, whether you fail or do not answer, end of the game!
History mode: Complete all levels, start in GH1 and advance to GH16, in this way you can fail the answers, you must complete more than 75% of the right questions to unlock the next level.
The questions range from guessing who has done something, some personal data about a contestant or something about the worldwide program itself.
From the original Big Brother to Big Brother 16
Will you be the first in the ranking?
Discharge of responsibility: This application is not the official application of Big Brother, therefore, it does not contain logos, brands or official photographs. The intellectual property rights and exploitation of Big Brother are owned by Mediaset España Communication SA
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